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Ash Wednesday Worship Services

Today we will have a Liturgy with imposition of Ashes and a celebration of the Lord’s supper with Holy Communion during our inspirational Ash Wednesday services at noon and 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.  The ashes used in our services are prepared from burned (purified) palm leaves. Participation in one of our Ash Wednesday service can help focus our attention and inspire us for the Lenten journey ahead.

Ashes are an ancient sign of showing regret for wrong.  As we receive ashes we hear the words “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  The reminder that we are dust turns our attention to the creative power of God to bring life and heal the brokenness in our world.  

Ash Wednesday begins the 40 day season of Lent. There is much more to Lent than ashes alone.  It is a time of preparing our hearts and minds through examining our actions and lives and through turning back toward God.  People might do this through taking up an extra practice like reading something daily, through fasting (the giving up of something), through changing an undesired habit, or through works of love.  We do this with a firm grip on God’s everlasting love for all the world.  It is this love that we are headed toward as we look through Lent to Easter, that great day when we celebrate that the love of God cannot be defeated even by death itself. 

Ash Wednesday is one of the most solemn days of the church year, and worshipers are encouraged to focus on both quiet penitence and reflection on our baptismal faith and life. Today, worshipers will have the opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes on their foreheads as a sign of penitence and baptismal remembrance.  The ashes used in our services are prepared from burned (purified) palm leaves.

Click on the separate Ash Wednesday event to learn more about Ash Wednesday.

Earlier Event: February 18
Ash Wednesday
Later Event: February 22
First Sunday in Lent