Become Involved
From participating in events, prayer, joining us in worship, or donating to different ministries or programs, each decision has an impact that is felt and echoed throughout the community and the church's mission of serving God.
music ministry
Reaching others through song
Our diverse music ministry is intended to inspire hearts, inform minds, uplift spirits, and glorify God. From Holy Trinity's classically-trained organist, congregation-sung hymns, our talented adult choir, solo musicians, or guest singers, we literally have something for everyone to enjoy. Using our church-owned bells, we also occasionally have a bell choir that energizes music in a new and exciting way. We are currently looking for rotating soloists and duet singers to accompany our pianist with hymns during our weekly church services.
donation of quilts
Donation of quilts
Gifts of love to families around the world
With a prayer of dedication, our church regularly donates beautiful hand-made quilts for God's service through Lutheran World Relief. Our church recently donated 121 quilts that were distributed to needy adults and children around the globe. Before packing them into a Lutheran World Relief truck, the quilts are displayed for the congregation and then blessed by Pastor Tim. You can help make a positive impact in the world. Become a part of Mary/Martha Circle to assist this ongoing worthwhile endeavor.
Personal care kits
Blessing those in need
Each year the Women of the ELCA are collect Personal Care Kits in support of Lutheran World Relief. Items include light-weight bath-size towels (dark colors recommended), adult size toothbrushes in original packaging, sturdy combs, bath-size bars of soap in original wrapping, and metal nail clippers. Lutheran World Relief often distributes Personal Care Kits to people who have lost everything following a natural disaster or for those who have fled from violence as their homes were overtaken. Last year we donated a total of 197 personal care kits given to appreciative families throughout the world. May God bless those in need who receive a kit.
Sharing and caring food drive
The 1st Sunday of each month
The monthly Sharing and Caring food drive (our community food bank) is held the 1st Sunday of each month. Bring canned and dry goods, baby formula, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and laundry detergent to the lobby of the Christian Life Center.
backpack food sunday
Backpack food sunday
The 3rd Sunday of each month
Backpack Food Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of each month and provides weekend meals for needy children at Edwins Elementary School during the school year. The program is managed by the Feeling the Gulf Coast Food Bank in Milton as part of the Feeding America national program. Bring individually-packed nutritious food items to the lobby of the Christian Life Center. A specific shopping list is available in the Christian Life Center, and monetary donations are also welcome so food items can be purchased.
Care group ministry
Everyone in our congregation is assigned to a Care Group with other members of Holy Trinity who live in their local neighborhood. Each Care Group also has a leader who is available to help you during times of need. Care Group Ministry is a shepherding ministry in place to spread the Gospel in and through the Congregation by promoting relationship-building and fellowship among members, reaching out to and supporting members and their families in times of need or special joy, and welcoming new members into the congregation and Care Group. Here at Holy Trinity, we have 15 different care groups. If you don’t know to which care group you belong or who your leader is, please contact the church office.
Magazine Donations
The 1st Sunday of each month
Magazine donation collections the 1st Sunday of each month are distributed to the Fort Walton Beach Medical Center, Oncology Center waiting room, and Magnolia Manor senior citizen center.
The shelter in the storm
Our church actively supports Lutheran Disaster Response to assist those affected by hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods, or other natural disasters. Your gifts ensure that our church can provide help and hope for those around the country whose homes have been devastated or have otherwise been impacted by tragedy. Your donations designated for Lutheran Disaster Response are used entirely (100%) for that purpose. Donations can be made through our congregation or sent directly to the ELCA.
school kits donations
School kit donations
Making a difference in the lives of children around the world
At the beginning of each school year, we collect school supplies for kids in need. Our last event supported over 90 children. Public school is usually free, but in many parts of the world, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, are more than many families can afford. Additionally, when parents can afford to only send one of their children to school, girls rarely get priority, yet the education level of mothers has a profound impact on child development. Help us make a difference.
"Alternative Gift Giving"
The Mission Gift Fair is an annual event typically held each November benefitting local, national, and international projects for people and communities in need through “alternative gift giving,” such as school supplies, youth programs, hunger relief, teacher training, medicine, honeybees, or livestock. Gifts assist individuals and families in our local community, nation, and places as diverse as India, Africa, and South America. Donations can be self-initiated or made on behalf of friends, family, or loved ones. During our last gift fair, we raised over $18,000 for eight different charitable organizations.
The Giving Tree
The Giving tree
Supporting Children in Crisis and Opportunity Place Charities
The Giving Tree is an event held during the Christmas season each year that allows congregation members and visitors to purchase various gifts of clothing, personal care items, toys, games, or gift cards for needy children, women, and families in our local community. This initiative supports two non-profit charities: Children in Crisis and Opportunity Place. Opportunity Place provides shelter and supportive services for homeless families and single women, while Children in Crisis provides shelter for abused, neglected, and abandoned children in our community. The Giving Tree is located in the lobby of the Christian Life Center and contains ornaments with specific items listed on the back. You can take as many ornaments as you like, then bring both the ornaments and un-wrapped donations back, and put them under the tree. No matter how small, all gifts can have an enormous impact on the lives of those in our local community as we show they are truly loved and valued.
Helping the Homeless
Share the winter warmth by donating new or gently-used sweatshirts to support Opportunity Place and the homeless population of Fort Walton Beach. Our collection happens each year November through mid December. Sweatshirts can be placed in the wooden donation box in the lobby of the CLC. Please help us support this valuable ministry.