Sunday school
Join us each week for Sunday School following worship service. Our curriculum this year is called “Whirl.” There will be activities, crafts, videos and lots of fun! We also have a separate adult Bible Study class. All are welcome. Join us to strengthen your relationship with God.
Note: Sunday School classes are held following our worship service each week.
Click on the link below to register for Sunday School, or paper registration forms are located in the Christian Life Center.
Evening Bible Study

Evening Bible Study meets at various times during the year. Our most recent Bible Study focused on the Book of Romans. Learning is in a group discussion format, and inspirational guidebooks are sometimes used to highlight topics. Bible Study is an amazing opportunity for Christian learning, insightful discussions, fun fellowship, and a great way to grow your relationship with God. He is risen! He is risen indeed!!
Ruth Circle
The 1st Tuesday of every Month

ruth circle
Ruth Circle is intended for the non-working woman. Members meet for fun bible study and great fellowship. We use the monthly “Together Magazine” provided by the Lutheran ministry for bible study on various topics. Ruth Circle is a ladies Bible Study that meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 9:00am in the upper room. Bible study topics come from the monthly issues of the Gather magazine from the Women of the ELCA.
Learn more about them here →
Eve Circle
The 1st Thursday of every month

Eve Circle is intended for all ages and specifically designed for the working woman. Eve Circle is a gathering of women of faith who gain spiritual and emotional strength through fellowship, bible study, and community service. Recent bible study topics include “Bad Girls of the Bible.” Eve Circle meets the last Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in a circle member's home. A Bible Study topic is picked by the members, and discussions are fun and enlightening studies.
Learn more about them here →
Seasonal Bible Study
Scheduled days can vary

In additional to Sunday School and other Bible Study classes, Holy Trinity occasionally offers seasonal or topical Bible Study classes to occur during the daytime hours. Our most recent seasonal Bible Study course ran for 8 weeks on the parables of Jesus.