
Make a difference in your church and your community.

Hurricane volunteers

June through November is hurricane season in Florida. Church volunteers are available to our congregation before and after a hurricane for shutter installation/removal, moving yard furniture, packing, preparing "go kits", or providing transportation.

Hurricane Safety Checklist


Help uplift and inspire others through our music ministry. Singers of all skill levels are invited to share their gifts, and volunteers do not need to be experienced. Help us make a joyful noise to God!

Adult and Child Choir singing "Lord, Speak to Me"

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Mary martha quilters

We create beautiful quilts that are donated to Lutheran World Relief to benefit needy individuals and families around the world. No prior quilting experience is needed. Come join us the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month @ 9:00am.


Spit and shine gang

Volunteers perform ground and facility maintenance. Contact our church office if you are able to help.


Sunday Volunteers

Assist Sunday services by volunteering as an Usher, Service Assistant, Altar Guild member, Acolyte, or Offering Counter.

arts & crafts group

The Arts and Crafts group meets Wednesdays at 9:30am. Come join us in the Upper Building for fun and fellowship as we create attractive items for donations that benefit various church projects and charities.


Sunday school teachers

Educate and inspire others by becoming a Sunday School teacher or helper.



dorcas circle

Dorcas Circle meets from September through May on the third Tuesday of each month at 10am to pack donated food for our Backpack Program that provides monthly meals for needy children at Edwins Elementary School. Funding for this program is made available through grants, in-kind food donations, congregation offerings, and our annual Mission Gift Fair.

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prayer chain

Become a member of our Prayer Chain as we pray for those in need. You can also add someone to our church Prayer List by contacting the church office or completing a Prayer Request Card. Feel the power of God.

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Volunteers assist bingo games the 4th Thursday of each month at 2pm for residents of the Emerald Coast Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center.

Volunteer drivers

There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Christian Life Center for anyone who can provide transportation to daytime medical appointments for any of our congregation members in need.

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Church council and teams

Volunteer to be on our Church Council or serve on church teams. Team leaders do not need to attend council meetings. Positions are held for 2 years and include Christian Education, Evangelism, Fellowship, Long-Range Planning, Finance, Stewardship, Property, Social Ministry, Worship & Music, and Youth Ministry. Speak with a pastor about how you can help lead our church or assist on a team.

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If you have medical training, volunteer as one of our congregational nurses. We are available after certain services to check the blood pressure of members and visitors.


Cold nights program

During winter months, volunteers can assist the Okaloosa County "Cold Nights Program" at One Hopeful Place. When winter temperatures drop below 40 degrees, the buildings at One Hopeful Place are opened, and volunteers work during the night to demonstrate God’s love by feeding the homeless and giving them a safe/secure place to spend the night.