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Worship with Communion

Join us today for Sunday worship at 9:30am. Every Sunday we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  We invite all baptized Christians who believe that our Lord is truly present in His Body and Blood to join us to receive the sacraments. This service includes hymns, Bible readings, a sermon, and a congregational prayer. For those worshipping online, you can still join us in communion.  Before the service get some bread (or crackers, potato chips or something) and wine (or juice, water or soda).

(1) If you feel ill in any way or have a cough, please remain at home. (2) Cover your mouth and nose with your arm if you must cough or sneeze, (3) Nursery care is available, and the attendant has been fully vaccinated.

For those who are sick, uncomfortable, or unable to attend, there are other options for you to still hear the Word.  Sermons are uploaded onto the church website each week.

We want everyone to know, whether attending in person or viewing on line, that we are still part of the same church body in Christ.

Earlier Event: April 6
Sharing and Caring Food Drive
Later Event: April 9
Arts and Crafts Group