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Good Friday

Good Friday is another vital part of Holy Week, that started with Palm/Passion Sunday and includes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.  Good Friday is the day we commemorate the death of our Savior, the day when our Lord gave his life to save us from our sins. We should remember the cruel crucifixion our Lord suffered for our sake and contemplate the cost Jesus paid for our redemption. This is the most solemn service of the church year, rightfully observed by entering in complete silence with a black veil covering the cross and no lit candles. To avoid a sense of celebration, Holy Communion is never offered. On this day the body of our Lord is broken on the cross, not at the table. The tradition of abstaining from eating meat on Good Friday is also observed by many Christians around the world.

Earlier Event: April 17
Church Council
Later Event: April 18
Good Friday Service